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Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2024!
2022 Schedule PDF Print E-mail
Written by Scott M. Jones   
Saturday, 30 July 2022 10:37

Virtual, Fan Track Stream Channel 2



Fri. 9/1
7:00 a.m. EDT


Sometimes described as the ACLU of cyberspace, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading defender of civil liberties in the digital world. What are some of the most important projects they are working on today, and what is a day in the life like for a freedom defender?

Hayley Tsukayama, Bill Budington, Ernesto Omar Falcon, Scott M. Jones (moderator)

DragonCon TV Stream 2

Mon. 9/5
12:00 p.m. EDT

VIRTUAL: Solving Historical Ciphers with Modern Means

We introduce the most important historical ciphers, and modern techniques to break them, based on a 2021 published article "How we set new world records in breaking Playfair ciphertexts”, co-authored by the presenters.

Elonka Dunin (moderator), Klaus Schmeh

DragonCon TV Stream 2


Thursday, September 1, 2022



7:00 p.m.

Georgia Election Law/Voting Machine Update

In the wake of the 2020 election, with foreign interference and concerns over fraud, many changes were made to Georgia election laws. We will cover the substance and consequences of these laws, as well as the effects of the universally deployed "ballot-marking device" voting machines in Georgia.

Dwayne Goetzel, Ron Daniels

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

8:30 p.m.

Virtual/Streaming Programming as a Means of Marketing

With the availability of faster Internet speeds, live video programming has become very popular. What are the opportunities and challenges for using live video streaming as a means of marketing goods and services? How does it compare to other forms of Internet marketing?

James Nettles (moderator), Andrew Greenberg, TJ Mihill, Tygarlily, M. D. Cooper

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD


Friday, September 2, 2022



10:00 a.m.

Ransomware: To Pay Or Not To Pay

We will examine ransomware from a legal perspective, its relationship to cyber insurance, whether paying to recover data is a sound business and legal strategy, and what the risks and benefits are to engaging law enforcement.

Rich Gatz

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

11:30 a.m.

American Data Protection and Privacy Act

This panel discusses the importance and implications of the recently introduced federal privacy bill. If passed, it would be the most significant expansion of civil rights law for the digital age and fundamentally alter the way U.S. companies conduct business.

Tatiana Rice (moderator), Eric Gregory Null, Hayley Tsukayama

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

1:00 p.m.

The Government Surveillance Transparency Act and Other Legislative Solutions

The proposed Government Surveillance Transparency Act gives surveilled parties the eventual right to learn that they were being surveilled, once any relevant investigations have been completed. Unfortunately, it has stalled in Congress. Are there any alternative proposals?

Dwayne Goetzel, Kurt Opsahl

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

2:30 p.m.

How Using Open Source Code Can Leave You Exposed To Hackers

The recent Log4Shell zero-day was one of the most significant risks to organizations in recent history. We will demonstrate how the Log4J vulnerability affected millions of applications and discuss the security implications of using open-source code.

Ray Kelly

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

4:00 p.m.

You Must Be This Old to Ride: Age Verification & The Internet

COPPA addresses privacy for kids under 13. There is an increasing interest to give additional protections to teens as well. But how does a website figure out how old its users are, and do this in a way that does not “age gate” the internet? Also, what does it mean to be “child-directed”?

Bailey Sanchez, Eric Null, Heidi Tandy

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

5:30 p.m.

No More Facial Recognition for Facebook

Meta has announced the end of the use of facial recognition on Facebook. Why did Facebook choose to do this, what might replace it, and what does this mean for our future ability to control our privacy when using social media?

Nathan White, Tatiana Rice, Hayley Tsukayama (moderator), Eric Gregory Null

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

7:00 p.m.

Crafting a Code of Conduct for YOUR Organization

In the wake of "#MeToo" and other controversies, virtually all organizations should have a Code of Conduct statement, setting out expectations of reasonable behavior. How can this be balanced with the expectations of "cancel culture" for incidents occurring completely outside of the organization?

James Nettles, Andrew Greenberg

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

8:30 p.m.

The Trouble with Gunshot Detection Systems

Gunshot detection systems purport to locate the source of gunshots using microphones mounted on utility poles, dispatching police when gun play is detected. Serious questions have been raised about privacy, accuracy, and evidential chain of custody as well as Fourth Amendment concerns.

Scott M. Jones (moderator), Alejandro Ruizesparza

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

10:00 p.m.


A behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to produce a successful web-based comic strip series, given by both new and established webcomic artists.

Bill Holbrook (moderator), Jennie Breeden, John Lotshaw, Adam Withers, Comfort Love

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

Saturday, September 3, 2022



10:00 a.m.

A Cartoon-Based Introduction to Post-Quantum Cryptography

Are you interested in cryptography, but not a mathematician? This session will explain to you how Post-Quantum Cryptography works, with a 100% cartoon-based slide show. All cartoon stories presented refer to easy-to-understand analogies. No mathematics required. (Pre-recorded)

Klaus Schmeh, Scott M. Jones (moderator)

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

11:30 a.m.

EARN-IT 2022: The Threat to Encryption and Privacy

The "EARN-IT" Act was revived in 2022 with provisions that would undermine encryption and privacy protections, with government-mandated "backdoors" required to maintain the liability protections of Section 230. Why is this a threat to encryption and freedom of speech, and what can be done about it?

Kurt Opsahl, Dwayne Goetzel

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

1:00 p.m.

Controversy and Clarity Around Cyber Insurance

"Cyber Insurance", or insurance that covers losses due to security lapses, has become a major market in the insurance industry, but is not without controversy. Attorney Rich Gatz will discuss the legal issues, benefits, and pitfalls of using insurance along with best practices to minimize risk.

Rich Gatz

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

2:30 p.m.

Privacy in the MCU

This panel will challenge attendees of all ages to issue-spot potential privacy concerns in the Marvel Universe. The discussion will include topics such as SHIELD’s Project Insight and Tony Stark’s facial recognition technologies, along with privacy harms such as revealing Peter Parker’s identity.

Bailey Sanchez (moderator), Tatiana Rice

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

4:00 p.m.

Social Media, Censorship, and the First Amendment

What right do social media companies have to censor speech deemed offensive or patently false, and what recourse do individuals have regarding blocking, banning, censorship, and shadow banning?

TJ Mihill, James Nettles, Meredith Rose (moderator), Kurt Opsahl, Channing Sherman

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

5:30 p.m.

Algorithmic Injustice and the Algorithmic Accountability Act

We cover two currently separate but ultimately convergent issues: algorithms used in criminal justice and also algorithms in everyday settings including shopping and social media web sites. The FTC-targeted Algorithmic Accountability Act covers bias in shopping and social media sites.

Eric Gregory Null, Scott M. Jones (moderator), Alejandro Ruizesparza, Tatiana Rice

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

7:00 p.m.

Importance of Digital Ownership in the Metaverse

The value of digital property in the metaverse is exploding, but legal and societal issues are just beginning to emerge. What happens when real money is spent on imaginary property that can disappear if a server is turned off? What are the rights and responsibilities of digital landlords?

Nathan White, TJ Mihill, Andrew Greenberg (moderator)

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

8:30 p.m.

Hacking 101

Hacking 101 returns for another glorious year! Just what is a hacker anyway? Culture, history, contacts, resources, and pointers for more info.

Dustin Smith (moderator), Ray Kelly, Kurt Opsahl, Isaac Sheff, Andrew Hirsch, jonny X, Gene Chorba, Scott "Duckie" Melnick

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

10:00 p.m.

Suppressed and Sabotaged: The Fight to Vote

A documentary on the many ways voter suppression can be used to unfairly influence election outcomes.

Scott M. Jones (moderator)

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD


Sunday, September 4, 2022



10:00 a.m.

SMART Act: Mandated Copyright Filters

The SMART Copyright Act of 2022 mandates copyright filters in order to get Section 230 liability protection. What are the terms of this proposal, why is it a threat to small-time content producers, and what are the implications for patents in a bill that is purportedly about copyright?

Meredith Rose, TJ Mihill (moderator), Courtney Lytle

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

11:30 a.m.

Data Scraping: Clearview AI, HiQ, and Other Controversies

The ability to automatically scrape data available on the internet is highly valuable for independent research and innovation. The practice also carries significant risk of violating others' privacy or companies' TOS agreements. This panel discusses how the law has treated data scraping.

Tatiana Rice, Hayley Tsukayama

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

1:00 p.m.

The Perils of Remote Exam Proctoring Software

During the COVID pandemic, there was an explosion in the use proctoring software for home learning. Schools and universities saw pushback from students. This panel will examine concerns identified by students and privacy experts, as well as the myth that youth do not care about their privacy.

Bailey Sanchez (moderator), Teddi (FSM) Fishman, Eric Gregory Null, Hayley Tsukayama

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

2:30 p.m.

What Are Blockchains Anyway?

We'll discuss Blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and what they can and can't do. What is the legal status of bitcoin? Are smart contracts either smart or contracts? Does your business need a Blockchain? Bring your questions!

Isaac Sheff (moderator), Andrew Hirsch, Rich Gatz

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

4:00 p.m.

Social Media Marketing for Authors and Creators

Tips, tricks, and advice for the novice or seasoned authors and other content creators to navigate Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. We will take a brief look at the various platforms where authors, artists, etc., promote, and examine the common themes for maximizing engagement.

Gail Z. Martin (moderator), Tyra Burton, James Nettles, Troy Fason, M. D. Cooper

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

5:30 p.m.

Copyright 101

How does copyright work? Do you have to register to protect your rights? Can you do it yourself, or do you need an attorney? What do you do if you discover infringement of your own copyright?

Courtney Lytle

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

7:00 p.m.

GDPR in 2022: A Report Card

GDPR compliance in America has become a necessity for any industry that does business in Europe, but it has also had ripple effects even in domestic markets. How has industry responded in the last few years, and how has privacy policy in America been shaped by the GDPR in Europe?

Bailey Sanchez, James Nettles (moderator), Rich Gatz

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

8:30 p.m.

10 Rules for Dealing with Police Encounters

Knowing and asserting your rights along with common sense can greatly improve the outcome of any police encounter. This is a documentary from A question and answer session will follow the film.

Andrew Greenberg (moderator)

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

10:00 p.m.

Hacking 201

Q&A from our panel of experts; play “Stump the Hacker”!

Dustin Smith (moderator), Rich Gatz, Isaac Sheff, Andrew Hirsch, Ray Kelly, jonny X, Gene Chorba, Scott "Duckie" Melnick

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

Monday, September 5, 2022



10:00 a.m.

Tillis Proposal to Combine All IP Federal Agencies

North Carolina senator Thom Tillis has proposed merging the US Copyright Office and Patent and Trademark Office into one agency. We will look at the purported benefits and costs of such a move, possible underlying motives, and whether this would even be advisable.

Meredith Rose, Courtney Lytle

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

11:30 a.m.

Medical Offices Requiring a Credit Card on File

Medical offices are increasingly requiring "card on file" given today's high deductibles and copays. Should medical offices be able to demand access to a patient's credit as a condition of seeing the patient, or should patients have the right to determine how and when they pay within reason?

Ron Daniels

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

1:00 p.m.

Is Embarrassing a Public Official via Security Disclosures a Hacking Crime?

Disclosures of security holes can be an embarrassment for private organizations, but can be even worse when government resources are involved. Should the government be able to use anti-hacking law to prevent discovery or disclosure of security lapses when the public interest is at stake?

Kurt Opsahl

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

2:30 p.m.

Advocacy for the Long Term (How Not to Burn Out)

Activism and advocacy can be all-consuming passions, but over time can lead to frustration, exhaustion, and despair, when the overall goals are not immediately in reach. We will discuss strategies for staying in the fight over the long haul.

Ron Daniels (moderator), Andrew Greenberg, Hayley Tsukayama

Hilton Room 313-314, Attendance: TBD

Last Updated on Friday, 07 July 2023 21:47
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