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Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2024!
2014 Schedule and Audio PDF Print E-mail
Written by Scott M. Jones   
Monday, 08 September 2014 08:45

Friday, August 29, 2014



10:00 a.m.

Heartburn from the Heartbleed Vulnerability

What is the Heartbleed vulnerability really about, how do you defend yourself, and how many of your favorite web sites are still vulnerable?

Keith Watson, Tim Farley

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 61

Audio files: HeartburnHeartbleed.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 49.01 MB] | HeartburnHeartbleed.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 17.16 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Revenge Porn and Reputation Destroying Sites: An Update

From accidental uploads to jilted ex-lovers, the risks of digital retribution and online extortion are out there. How do you protect yourself?

TJ Mihill

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 66

Audio files: RevengePornUpdate.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 52.72 MB] | RevengePornUpdate.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.99 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Women in Science and Tech Careers

A frank conversation on the issues women face in technology and science careers and what we can all do about it.

Dr. Pamela L. Gay (moderator), Trina Ray, Kim Steadman, Pamela O. Vickers, Veronica Belmont

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 123

Audio files: WomenInScienceAndTech.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 48.95 MB] | WomenInScienceAndTech.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 16.62 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Recent Controversies in Trademark Law

Topics include the carpet design flap against cosplayers, the Candy Crush/Candy Swipe dispute, trademarking the ‘pi’ symbol, and more.

TJ Mihill, Lee Anderson

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 58

Audio files: RecentControversiesTrademarkLaw.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 51.87 MB] | RecentControversiesTrademarkLaw.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 16.68 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Biometric Identification: Sorting Fact from Fiction

Beyond the iPhone fingerprint scanner: Can we tell if you are who you claim to be? Can we tell without your having to identify yourself?

Dave Maass, Jon Padfield, Geoff Termorshuizen

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 86

Audio files: BiometricIdentification.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 43.96 MB] | BiometricIdentification.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.48 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Jailbreaking Mobile Devices (‘Fanfic’ for Your Mobile)

If you use a smartphone, there are probably some things you wish it did differently. Why people jailbreak, what they are doing, and the legal issues.

Jay Freeman (saurik)

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 68

Audio files: JailbreakingMobileDevices.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 50.46 MB] | JailbreakingMobileDevices.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.9 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Ingress: The Game

Ingress is the augmented reality mobile MMO game created by Google. Join us to learn about history, technology, tips, and more!

Elonka Dunin, Andrew Hansen, John Stocks

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 135

Audio files: IngressTheGame.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 52.01 MB] | IngressTheGame.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.82 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m. 

Documentary: Terms and Conditions May Apply

When you click ‘I Agree’ to gain access to a site, do you REALLY know what you are agreeing to?

Kurt Opsahl, TJ Mihill

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 24

Audio files: TermsConditionsMayApply.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 17.18 MB] | TermsConditionsMayApply.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 6.01 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

How 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Has Changed Publishing and Writing

What has the erotic hit novel 'Fifty Shades of Grey' changed in the world of writing and publishing, and how much is YOUR story worth?

Gail Z. Martin, Sascha Illyvich (moderator), Kiernan Kelly, Anandalila, Mary Marvella, M.J. Flournoy

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 36

Audio files: 50ShadesChangedWriting.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 38.98 MB] | 50ShadesChangedWriting.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 13.9 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 p.m. 


One of the fastest growing alternative adult social sites-We cover risks and rewards of putting your personal life online when you’re “different”.

Romily (moderator), John F. Sokol, MushroomPuppy, AshuraLeingod, Fire_Nymph, Artemis_En, Blackerose, LadyKaTi

Hilton Crystal Ballroom, Attendance: 149

[ Not Recorded ]


Saturday, August 30, 2014



10:00 a.m.

Documentary: Terms and Conditions May Apply (2nd showing)

Second showing for those who missed the Friday evening presentation.What are you really agreeing to when you click ‘I Agree’?

Scott M. Jones

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 21

[ Not Recorded ]

11:30 a.m.

Aereo Supreme Court Case

Aereo recorded video off the air and provided a virtual DVR in the cloud. Broadcasters sued and prevailed in the Supreme Court. What are the issues?

Courtney Lytle, TJ Mihill, Christina Mulligan

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 35

Audio files: AereoSupremeCourtCase.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.25 MB] | AereoSupremeCourtCase.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.62 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Kryptos and Other Famous Unsolved Codes

Get the latest updates on the modern enigma at CIA headquarters, and other famous unsolved codes.

Elonka Dunin

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 130

Audio files: KryptosUnsolvedCodes.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 52.75 MB] | KryptosUnsolvedCodes.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 18.75 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Copyright 101

How does copyright work? Do you have to register? What if someone uses your work without permission? Do it yourself or use an attorney?

Courtney Lytle

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 90

Audio files: Copyright101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.8 MB] | Copyright101.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 24.9 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Government Surveillance: Through a PRISM Darkly

We update the latest that is known about government surveillance, including domestic surveillance, in the post-Edward Snowden era.

Kurt Opsahl

Hilton Crystal Ballroom, Attendance: 255

Audio files: PRISMSurveillance.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 49.31 MB] | PRISMSurveillance.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 55.21 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Online Family Safety

Kids at home? How do you keep them safe without locking up the computer? What tools are available to help? Do these tools really work?

Dave Maass, K`Tetch, Geoff Termorshuizen, June K. Williams

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 21

YouTube Video

Audio files: OnlineFamilySafety.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 42.66 MB] | OnlineFamilySafety.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.45 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Hacking 101

Hacking 101 returns for another glorious year! Just what is a hacker anyway? Culture, history, contacts, resources, and pointers for more info.

Kurt Opsahl, jonny X (moderator), emptyset, Tim Farley

Hilton Crystal Ballroom, Attendance: 325

YouTube Video

Audio files: Hacking101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 61.47 MB] | Hacking101.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 37.23 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

Bitcoin and the Collapse of Mt. Gox

What is the future of Bitcoin and other crypto currency? Where do we go from here after the collapse of Mt. Gox?

Peter H. Friedman

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 122

Audio files: BitcoinAndTheCollapseOfMtGox.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 47.85 MB] | BitcoinAndTheCollapseOfMtGox.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 17.56 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Aaron Swartz Documentary: The Internet’s Own Boy

The story of Aaron Swartz and excesses of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Scott M. Jones

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 16

[ Not Recorded ]

11:30 p.m.

BDSM 101

Safety, consent, trust, where to find like-minded people. For those ready to log off and take the next step.

John F. Sokol, Aojishi, writergirl, Artemis_En, CreamDream, MsDDom, saltygoodness, Angelkins (moderator)

Attendance: 333

[ Not Recorded ]


Sunday, August 31, 2014



10:00 a.m.

EU Court ‘Right to be Forgotten’ Decision

The European Court of Justice ruled that Europeans have a ‘right to be forgotten’ from search engines, with unintended consequences.

Courtney Lytle, TJ Mihill, Geoff Termorshuizen, Tim Farley

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 36

Audio files: RightToBeForgottenDecision.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 43.85 MB] | RightToBeForgottenDecision.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 16.07 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Cell Phones: Warrants Required?

Recent Supreme Court cases found in favor of a strong privacy right for cell phones. What does this mean to you if you get stopped by police?

Blair B. Chintella, Kurt Opsahl, Christina Mulligan

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 60

Audio files: CellPhonesWarrantsRequired.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 40.31 MB] | CellPhonesWarrantsRequired.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.21 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): IP Negotiations in Secret

These treaties likely would never be passed if the public knew what was in them. What’s so bad about them, and why it matters to you.

Courtney Lytle, TJ Mihill, Christina Mulligan

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 57

Audio files: TransPacificParternship.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 57.65 MB] | TransPacificParternship.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.26 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

After Edward Snowden: How Do We Clean Up the Mess?

It has been over a year since the Edward Snowden leaks began. How do we move forward and live within our constitutional means?

Kurt Opsahl, Dave Maass, Blair B. Chintella, Geoff Termorshuizen, emptyset, K’Tetch (moderator)

Hilton Crystal Ballroom, Attendance: 129

Audio files: AfterSnowden.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 57.93 MB] | AfterSnowden.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 64.16 MB] 

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Down and Dirty Marketing for Authors

Navigating the new world of E-publishing, and why print is still an important medium for any author platform.

Sascha Illyvich (moderator), Kiernan Kelly, Anandalila, Mary Marvella, M.J. Flournoy, David Alastair Hayden

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 69

Audio files: DownDirtyMarketing.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 42.64 MB] | DownDirtyMarketing.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.04 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Net Neutrality: RIP?

Has the FCC given up on any possibility of meaningful net neutrality regulations? What will Congress do about it?

Geoff Termorshuizen, Jay Freeman (saurik)

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 112

Audio files: NetNeutralityRIP.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 53 MB] | NetNeutralityRIP.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 17.32 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.


A behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to produce a successful webbased comic strip series, given by both new and established webcomic artists.

Jennie Breeden, Bill Holbrook (moderator), John Lotshaw, Comfort Love, Adam Withers, Hunter Cressall, Carrie Tupper

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 110

Audio files: Webcomics.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 49.78 MB] | Webcomics.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 16.84 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

10 Rules for Dealing with Police Encounters

Knowing and asserting your rights along with common sense can greatly improve the outcome of any police encounter. Documentary by

Andrew Greenberg, John F Sokol

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 132

Audio files: 10RulesPoliceEncounters.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 26.36 MB] | 10RulesPoliceEncounters.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 7.82 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Hacking 201

Q&A from our panel of experts; play “stump the hacker”! Brought to you by

Elonka Dunin, jonny X, emptyset, Tim Farley

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 132

Audio files: Hacking201.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 210.64 MB] | Hacking201.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 68.14 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m. (concurrent)

Changing Times for Medical and Recreational Marijuana

Smoking out the legal, medical, and tax implications of marijuana legalization in an era of increasing tolerance.

Peter H. Friedman (moderator), Andrew Greenberg, Dave Maass

Hilton Crystal Ballroom, Attendance: 77

Audio files: MarijuanaChangingTimes.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 56.76 MB] | MarijuanaChangingTimes.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 63.47 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 p.m.

BDSM 201

From beginner to advanced, your questions answered by our panel of experts.

Romily (moderator), John F. Sokol, Sascha Illyvich, writergirl, Sir_Crovax, CarolinaSunshine, Azrael556, Artemis_En, Cee-Gee

Hilton Crystal Ballroom, Attendance: 330

[ Not Recorded ]


Monday, September 1, 2014



10:00 a.m.

Surveillance Canaries and Warrant Canaries

'Canaries' indicate you are NOT being served with a secret warrant. Are they legal? Can the government force you to lie and put one up?

Blair B. Chintella, Kurt Opsahl

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 25

Audio files: SurveillanceWarrantCanaries.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 45 MB] | SurveillanceWarrantCanaries.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 15.97 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

FOIA Do-It-Yourself Kit

How to file a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Be your own activist!

K`Tetch, Dave Maass

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 13

Audio files: FOIADoItYourselfKit.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 49.01 MB] | FOIADoItYourselfKit.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 17 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

P2P, Copyright Trolls, and Your Privacy

Over a quarter million have been sued in the U.S. for downloading videos, but few have gone to court. Could you be next, and what should you do?

K`Tetch, Blair B. Chintella

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 33

Audio files: P2PCopyrightTrollsPrivacy.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 56.56 MB] | P2PCopyrightTrollsPrivacy.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 18.82 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Wikipedia Q&A

Your Wikipedia questions answered by a major contributor who is also an administrator and is the subject of a major article.

Elonka Dunin, Lee Anderson

Hilton Room 201, Attendance: 12

Audio files: WikipediaQA.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 65.38 MB] | WikipediaQA.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 23.15 MB]

Play now: 

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