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See you this year at Dragon Con,
Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2024!
2013 Schedule and Audio PDF Print E-mail
Written by Scott M. Jones   
Friday, 27 December 2013 13:56

Friday, August 30, 2013



10:00 a.m.

Passive Wi-Fi Monitoring

Your Wi-Fi traffic can be monitored without transmitting, making detection impossible. We discuss risks and defenses.

Keith Watson

Attendance: 119

Audio files (some distortion present): passive_wifi_monitoring.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 79.37 MB] | passive_wifi_monitoring.ogg [OGG - 47.4 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

The Future of Fan Fiction and Amateur Fiction

We discuss Wattpad, a social site for writers and readers, and other ways to get started as a writer in the Internet age.

Gail Z. Martin, Amy Martin

Attendance: 33

Audio files (some distortion present): future_of_fanfic.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 35.95 MB] | future_of_fanfic.ogg [OGG - 13.07 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Geocaching and Location-Based Games

Low-cost GPS technology combined with mobile Internet has enabled a real-life treasure hunt known as geocaching. GPS-based games are also discussed.

Elonka Dunin, Blake Sorensen, Geoff Temorshuizen

Attendance: 66

Audio files (some distortion present): geocaching_location_based_games.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 49.02 MB] | geocaching_location_based_games.ogg [OGG - 17.9 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Remembering Aaron Swartz

Faced with criminal hacking charges that many consider excessive, Aaron Swartz committed suicide. We discuss the circumstances of the tragedy.

Randal L. Schwartz, Christina Rudy

Attendance: 31

Audio files: remembering_aaron_swartz.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 45.01 MB] | remembering_aaron_swartz.ogg [OGG - 16.46 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Revenge Porn and Reputation Destroying Sites

A discussion of how to protect and defend yourself against digital retribution and online extortion.

Sarah Anne Downey, TJ Mihill

Attendance: 119

Audio files: revenge_porn_reputation_destroying.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 49.26 MB]  | revenge_porn_reputation_destroying.ogg [OGG - 16.92 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

TPB-AFK (The Pirate Bay, Away From Keyboard)

Documentary covering the court cases in Sweden where founders of The Pirate Bay were charged. Brief discussion after the film.


Attendance: 9

Audio files: tpb_afk.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 870.75 KB] | tpb_afk.ogg [OGG - 248.72 KB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

NymRights: In Defense of Online Pseudonyms

We examine challenges to anonymity on the Internet including social sites (like Facebook) that require a legal name to be used.

Sarah Anne Downey, aestetix, K`Tetch

Attendance: 38

Audio files: nymrights_pseudonyms.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 64.45 MB] | nymrights_pseudonyms.ogg [OGG - 22.09 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m. 

ISP’s and Six Strikes

Thanks to backroom deals between media companies and your ISP, you could be kicked offline by only an unproven accusation.

K`Tetch, Blair Chintella, TJ Mihill

Attendance: 41

Audio files: isps_six_strikes.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 55.98 MB] | isps_six_strikes.ogg [OGG - 20.33 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Interracial Discourse in Erotic Romance

How the Internet has changed writing from the standpoint of interracial characters and stories, especially in erotica and erotic romance.

Sascha Illyvich (moderator), Kiernan Kelly, Kayelle Allen, Stella Price, Stephanie Burke

Attendance: 39

Audio files: interracial_discourse_romance.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 33.95 MB] | interracial_discourse_romance.ogg [OGG - 12.22 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 p.m. 


One of the fastest growing alternative adult social sites-We cover risks and rewards of putting your personal life online when you’re “different”.

Romily (moderator), John F Sokol, Kiba32b, Wilcifer, Blackerose, Tantelle

Attendance: 236

[ Not Recorded ]


Saturday, August 31, 2013



10:00 a.m.

Privacy Implications of Google Glass

We explore the privacy implications of wearable recording technology.

Sarah Anne Downey, Christopher Soghoian

Attendance: 36

Audio files: privacy_google_glass.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 43.99 MB] | privacy_google_glass.ogg [OGG - 15.52 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Personal Audio Podcast Patent Suits and Other Recent Cases

Lawsuits of podcasters for alleged patent violations, and other recent patent cases including Myriad, Monsanto, and CLS.

Blake Sorenson

Attendance: 20

Audio files: personal_audio_patent_suits.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 52.42 MB] | personal_audio_patent_suits.ogg [OGG - 17.17 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Bitcoin: Distributed, Anonymous Online Currency

Bitcoin is the new totally distributed, totally anonymous online currency. We’ll discuss how it works, security risks, and current controversies.

Peter Friedman, Kevin McInturff, Stephen Pair, Jeff Garzik, Christina Rudy

Attendance: 183

Audio files: bitcoin_distributed_anonymous.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 47.73 MB] | bitcoin_distributed_anonymous.ogg [OGG - 16.42 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Q&A with a Wikipedia Administrator

Your Wikipedia questions answered by a major contributor who is also an administrator and is the subject of a major article.

Elonka Dunin

Attendance: 38

Audio files: q_a_wikipedia_admin.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 45.8 MB] | q_a_wikipedia_admin.ogg [OGG - 16.79 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

OMG! NSA! WTF??!! (Domestic Surveillance)

Who’s watching you and why, and is it constitutional? Discussions on domestic surveillance programs such as PRISM and more, post-Edward Snowden.

Christopher Soghoian, Randal L. Schwartz, TJ Mihill, Geoff Termorshuizen, Christina Rudy

Attendance: 303

Audio files (some distortion present): omg_nsa_wtf.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 45.16 MB] | omg_nsa_wtf.ogg [OGG - 28.17 MB]

YouTube Video

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Tax Implications of the Supreme Court DOMA Decision

Recent Supreme Court decisions have ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. What are the TAX implications?

Peter H. Friedman

Attendance: 29

Audio files: tax_implications_doma.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.2 MB] | tax_implications_doma.ogg [OGG - 15.05 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Hacking 101

Hacking 101 returns for another glorious year! Just what is a hacker anyway?

Randal L. Schwartz, jonny X (moderator)

Attendance: 328

Audio files: hacking_101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 50.82 MB] | hacking_101.ogg [OGG - 29.41 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

Medical Marijuana, Recreational Marijuana, and State Legislatures

The times they are a-changin’. We discuss the legal and tax implications of marijuana legalization in an era of increasing tolerance.

Christina Rudy, Peter Friedman, Andrew Greenberg

Attendance: 171

Audio files: medical_recreational_marijuana.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 51.41 MB] | medical_recreational_marijuana.ogg [OGG - 16.78 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.


A Writer’s guide to the Multitude of Layers and Functions of sex in literature.

Sascha Illyvich (moderator), Kiernan Kelly, Stephanie Burke, Stella Price

Attendance: 57

Audio files: writesex.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 47.05 MB] | writesex.ogg [OGG - 16.06 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 p.m.

BDSM 101

Safety, consent, trust, where to find like-minded people. For those ready to log off and take the next step.

John F Sokol, Raheer, writergirl, Wilcifer, Cee-Gee, Sirly_Eric, ohbiscuits, Angelkins (moderator)

Attendance: 330

[ Not Recorded ]


Sunday, September 1, 2013



10:00 a.m.

Cell Phone Surveillance

How and when authorities can monitor your cell phone communications and/or examine the contents of your device.

Christopher Soghoian

Attendance: 83

Audio files: cell_phone_surveillance.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 51.46 MB] | cell_phone_surveillance.ogg [OGG - 16.11 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Copyright 101

How does copyright work? Do you have to register? What if someone uses your work without permission? Do it yourself or use an attorney?

Courtney Lytle

Attendance: 63

Audio files: copyright_101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 51.42 MB] | copyright_101.ogg [OGG - 19.19 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Kryptos and Other Famous Unsolved Codes

Learn about the modern enigma at CIA headquarters, and other famous unsolved codes.

Elonka Dunin

Attendance: 93

Audio files: kryptos_unsolved_codes.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 57.65 MB] | kryptos_unsolved_codes.ogg [OGG - 18.63 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

CISPA Revived and FBI ‘Wiretap Ready’ Proposals

A discussion of the CISPA Bill and FBI proposals to make Internet services wiretap ready.

Christopher Soghoian, TJ Mihill, Blair B. Chintella, Blake Sorensen, Geoff Temorshuizen

Attendance: 77

Audio files: cispa_revived.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 50.4 MB] | cispa_revived.ogg [OGG - 16.66 MB] 

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Social Media and Data Brokers

Give up your ZIP code at the cash register, and soon you’re seeing related ads on your Facebook feed. How is this possible?

Randal Schwartz, Sarah Anne Downey

Attendance: 67

Audio files: social_media_data_brokers.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 49.55 MB] | social_media_data_brokers.ogg [OGG - 17.45 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Click-Thru Nexus (Online Sales Tax)

States are using a technicality to attempt to collect more sales tax, using the “Amazon rule”.

Peter Friedman

Attendance: 31

Audio files: click_thru_nexus.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 48.61 MB] | click_thru_nexus.ogg [OGG - 16.48 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Down and Dirty Marketing for Authors

Navigating the new world of E-publishing and why print is still an important medium for any author platform.

Jennie Breeden, Randal Schwartz, Gail Z. Martin, Sascha Illyvich, Kiernan Kelly, Kage Alan, T.C. Blue

Attendance: 103

Audio files: down_dirty_marketing_authors.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 52.46 MB] | down_dirty_marketing_authors.ogg [OGG - 26.64 MB]

YouTube Video

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

10 Rules for Dealing with Police Encounters

Knowing and asserting your rights along with common sense can greatly improve the outcome of any police encounter. Documentary by

Andrew Greenberg, John F Sokol

Attendance: 125

Audio files: 10_rules_police_encounters.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 28.14 MB] | 10_rules_police_encounters.ogg [OGG - 8.99 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Pronoun Hell: Who Did What with Whom for How Many Cookies?

Same-sex romance presents the writer with a dilemma unknown in more traditional genres, namely keeping track of who’s doing what to whom.

Sascha Illyvich (moderator), Kayelle Allen, Kiernan Kelly, Adrienne Wilder, T.C. Blue

Attendance: 53

Audio files: pronoun_hell.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.69 MB] | pronoun_hell.ogg [OGG - 14.09 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 p.m.

BDSM 201

From beginner to advanced, your questions answered by our panel of experts.

Romily (moderator), John F Sokol, Sascha Illyvich, writergirl, Kiba32b, Sir_Crovax, AtlLoki, saltygoodness, Dulocracy

Attendance: 312

[ Not Recorded ]


Monday, September 2, 2013



10:00 a.m.

Drones, Privacy and Local Enforcement

Drones, or automated pilot-less aircraft, are increasingly used by state and local law enforcement. What are the privacy issues?

Geoff Temorshuizen, Christina Rudy

Attendance: 34

Audio files: drones_privacy_enforcement.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.3 MB] | drones_privacy_enforcement.ogg [OGG - 15.47 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

P2P Litigation and Prenda Law

Over 200,000 have been sued by copyright trolls. How are they doing it and what can you do to stop them?

K`Tetch, Blair Chintella, TJ Mihill, Christina Rudy

Attendance: 31

[ Audio Not Available ]

1:00 p.m.

Kirk’s Communicator: Where Should I Submit?

Authors and editors discuss today’s electronic market for science fiction, fantasy, and romance.

Jennie Breeden, Sascha Illyvich (moderator), Adrienne Wilder, Kiernan Kelly, T.C. Blue, Kage Alan

Attendance: 20

Audio files: kirks_communicator_submit.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 47.14 MB] | kirks_communicator_submit.ogg [OGG - 17.16 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Game Jams: How to Make a Game in 48 Hours

People gather for a weekend to share their skills in programming, art, design, audio and everything else to churn out games in 48 hours.

Elonka Dunin, Brian ‘Psychochild’ Green

Attendance: 65

Audio files: game_jam_48_hours.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 51.66 MB] | game_jam_48_hours.ogg [OGG - 16.97 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Wrap-Up and Comments

Give us your comments, questions, and ideas for future panels.

Scott M. Jones

Attendance: 1

[ Not Recorded ]

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