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See you this year at Dragon Con,
Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2024!
2012 Schedule and Audio PDF Print E-mail
Written by Scott M. Jones   
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 11:13

Friday, August 31, 2012



10:00 a.m.

Legality of Costuming/Cosplay

We discuss the legality of images, media, and products created by fans, professionals, and companies using licensed works.

Cliff Tunnell

[ Cancelled, speaker not available ]

11:30 a.m.

DMCA Triennial Review

Every three years, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act empowers the Library of Congress to revisit copyright policy based on public input.

TJ Mihill

Attendance: 30

Audio files: DMCATriennial.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 36.9 MB] | DMCATriennial.ogg [OGG  - 18.68 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Famous Unsolved Codes: Kryptos Sculpture and the Voynich Manuscript

Learn about two of the most famous unsolved codes: the modern enigma at CIA headquarters, and research on the centuries-old Voynich manuscript.

Elonka Dunin

Attendance: 108

Audio files: FamousUnsolvedCodes.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 46.87 MB] | FamousUnsolvedCodes.ogg [OGG - 21.6 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Git Motivated! (Introduction to Git)

We describe the distributed revision control system known as “Git” and its importance to the free software movement.

Randal L. Schwartz

Attendance: 51

Audio files: GitMotivated.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.47 MB] | GitMotivated.ogg [OGG - 19.82 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Oracle v. Google

We examine the recently decided case of Oracle v. Google and whether programming API’s can be subject to copyright.

Courtney Lytle

Attendance: 39

Audio files: OracleVGoogle.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 48.76 MB]  | OracleVGoogle.ogg [OGG - 21.57 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.


We examine the burgeoning surveillance technology industry, who is buying their services, and why.

Geoff Termorshuizen

Attendance: 88

Audio files: WiretappingSurveillance.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.73 MB] | WiretappingSurveillance.ogg [OGG - 20.37 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Discordianism and the Church of the Subgenius

Discordianism and Church of the Subgenius reject any levels of influence yet have successfully influenced every subculture since (and some before).

Adam Gorightly, Susie the Floosie

Attendance: 67

Audio files: DiscordianismSubgenius.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 36.31 MB] | DiscordianismSubgenius.ogg [OGG - 15.89 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m. 

Cryptography Engineering

Using cryptography successfully requires more than knowledge of the algorithms. We discuss practical strategies for use in a variety of applications.

Randal L. Schwartz, Bruce Schneier, Geoff Termorshuizen

Attendance: 147

Audio files: CryptoEngineering.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 48.76 MB] | CryptoEngineering.ogg [OGG - 23.16 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

WriteSex/Tantric Tentacles

A writer’s guide to the multitude of layers and functions of sex-positiveliterature. Handling logistics of sci-fi and fantasy romance.

Sascha Illyvich, Kiernan Kelly, Stella Price, Cynnara Tregarth, Stephanie Burke

Attendance: 39

Audio files: WriteSexTantric.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 35.39 MB] | WriteSexTantric.ogg [OGG - 15.92 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 p.m. 


One of the fastest growing alternative adult social sites-We cover risks and rewards of putting your personal life online when you’re “different”.

Romily, tantelle, Mushroom Puppy, twinklie, Barefoot Bill

Attendance: 211

[ Not Recorded ]


Saturday, September 1, 2012



10:00 a.m.

Reddit Meetup

Come hang out with other users of social news aggregation website! Meet other redditors, discuss world politics and technology.

Alex, Mutki

Attendance: 20

[ Not Recorded ]

11:30 a.m.

Copyright 101

How does copyright work? Do you have to register? What if someone uses your work without permission? Do it yourself or use an attorney?

Courtney Lytle

Attendance: 61

Audio files: Copyright101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 47.42 MB] | Copyright101.ogg [OGG - 21.14 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Global Game Jam

The World Record-holding event each January, when teams of both amateur and professional game developers meet simultaneously in dozens of countries around the world to make thousands of games in one weekend.

Elonka Dunin

Attendance: 23

Audio files: GlobalGameJam.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 32.74 MB] | GlobalGameJam.ogg [OGG - 14.48 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Trust, Security, and Society

How societies induce trustworthiness and secure themselves against those who abuse trust, and how systems fail in today’s technology-driven world.

Bruce Schneier

Attendance: 147

Audio files: TrustSecuritySociety.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 39.92 MB] | TrustSecuritySociety.ogg [OGG - 18.55 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Medical Dispensaries and Medical Marijuana

We discuss the legality of medical dispensaries including online dispensaries, especially with respect to medical marijuana.

Peter H. Friedman

Attendance: 66

Audio files: MedicalMarijuana.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 47.02 MB] | MedicalMarijuana.ogg [OGG - 21.33 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

CISPA, SOPA, PIPA, EPARASITE, ACTA, TPP: What is Congress Smoking?

We sort out the alphabet soup of protectionism for the content industry and let you know where it’s all going.

Bruce Schneier, Blair B. Chintella, TJ Mihill, Geoff Termorshuizen

Attendance: 135

Audio files: CispaSopaPipa.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 42.3 MB] | CispaSopaPipa.ogg [OGG - 19.49 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Hacking 101

Hacking 101 returns for another glorious year! Just what is a hacker anyway? Culture, history, contacts, resources, and pointers for more info. Dispelling the myths from the media and the courts. Brought to you by

Randal L. Schwartz, jonny X

Attendance: 385

Audio files: Hacking101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 37.33 MB] | Hacking101.ogg [OGG - 32.44 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

10 Rules for Dealing With Police Encounters

Knowing and asserting your rights along with common sense can greatly improve the outcome of any police encounter. Documentary by

Joel Collin

Attendance: 120

Audio files: 10RulesPolice.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 28.8 MB] | 10RulesPolice.ogg [OGG - 13.6 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Authors: Kirk’s Communicator: Where Should I Submit?

Authors and editors discuss today’s electronic market for erotic science fiction and fantasy romance: E-book vs. print, royalties, agents.

Gail Z. Martin, Kayelle Allen, Sascha Illyvich, Kiernan Kelly, Kage Alan, Stephanie Burke, Tc Blue

Attendance: 19

[ Audio lost due to computer crash ]

11:30 p.m.

BDSM 101

Safety, consent, trust, where to find like-minded people. For those ready to log off and take the next step.

Raheer, Dulocracy, Beaker83, Sirly Eric, Mushroom Puppy, twinklie, writergirl

Attendance: 420

[ Not Recorded ]


Sunday, September 2, 2012



10:00 a.m.

Cyberwar and the Future of Cyber Conflict

The world is gearing up for cyberwar. This talk is about the technology, the players, and the political and economic incentives.

Bruce Schneier

Attendance: 94

Audio files: Cyberwar.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 43.96 MB] | Cyberwar.ogg [OGG - 20.99 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Apple eBooks Lawsuit

The U.S. government accuses Apple of conspiring to fix the prices of ebooks. We discuss the case to be tried in 2013 and the implications toauthors.

Gail Z. Martin, Courtney Lytle

Attendance: 55

Audio files: AppleEbooksLawsuit.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.51 MB] | AppleEbooksLawsuit.ogg [OGG - 20.1 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Freemasonry and The Lost Symbol

Elonka Dunin, namesake for “Nola Kaye” in Dan Brown’s “The Lost Symbol”, talks about mysteries behind the novel and the link to Freemasonry.

Elonka Dunin

Attendance: 108

Audio files: FreemasonryLostSymbol.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 34.36 MB] | FreemasonryLostSymbol.ogg [OGG - 15.94 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Defending P2P Litigation

We discuss strategies for defending against peer-to-peer and file-sharing litigation, and the legal tactics used by the content industry.

Blair B. Chintella, Andrew Norton

Attendance: 85

Audio files: DefendingP2PLitigation.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 48.16 MB] | DefendingP2PLitigation.ogg [OGG - 23.17 MB] 

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Down and Dirty Marketing for Authors

Navigating the new world of E-publishing and why print is still an important medium for any author platform. Includes: agents, contracts, royalties

Gail Z. Martin, Kayelle Allen, Sascha Illyvich, Keirnan Kelly, Cynnara Tregarth, Stephanie Burke

Attendance: 85

Audio files: DownDirtyMarketing.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 34.99 MB] | DownDirtyMarketing.ogg [OGG - 15.87 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Cryptography 101

More than just about encryption, Cryptography 101 provides a broad overview of the field of cryptography, exploring historical and modern techniques.

Jim Watts

Attendance: 119

Audio files: Crypto101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.52 MB] | Crypto101.ogg [OGG - 20.46 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.


A behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to produce a successful web-based comic strip series, given by both new and established webcomic artists.

Bill Holbrook, Pete Abrams, Hunter Cressall(M), Jennie Breeden,John Lotshaw, Darren J. Gendron, Obsidian Abnormal

Attendance: 141

Audio files: Webcomics.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 49.07 MB] | Webcomics.ogg [OGG - 38.52 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

NDAA: Indefinite Detention

We discuss the National Defense Authorization Act, its provisions for indefinite detention, and the court case which challenged these provisions.

Blair B. Chintella, Geoff Termorshuizen

Attendance: 43

Audio files: NDAAIndefiniteDetention.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 42.65 MB] | NDAAIndefiniteDetention.ogg [OGG - 19.86 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Hacking 201

Q&A from our panel of experts. Play "stump the hacker", maybe you'll win a prize! Brought to you by

Elonka Dunin, Randal L. Schwartz, jonny X 

Attendance: 150

Audio files: Hacking201.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 84.08 MB] | Hacking201.ogg [OGG - 38.04 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 p.m.

BDSM 201

From beginner to advanced, your questions answered by our panel of experts.

Attendance: 370

[ Not Recorded ]


Monday, September 3, 2012



10:00 a.m.

Hacking 301

Many folks quietly drinking coffee. Very quietly.

jonny X

Attendance: 42

Audio files: Hacking301.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 22.93 MB] | Hacking301.ogg [OGG - 22.52 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Tactical SOPA Strike: How the Web Defended Itself Against Congress

Listen to some of the anti-SOPA movement architects discuss how the SOPA protests came to be and what the future of Internet Defense could look like.

Andrew Norton

Attendance: 30

Audio files: TacticalSOPA.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 45.36 MB] | TacticleSOPA.ogg [OGG - 21.7 MB]

Play now:   

1:00 p.m.

Writing: 50 Years into the Future

Lessons learned from panelists on how publishing has changed with the times, what has worked, what is working, and what’s on the horizon.

Gail Z. Martin, Sascha Illyvich, Kiernan Kelly, Cynnara Tregarth, Stephanie Burke

Attendance: 23

Audio files: Writing50Years.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 40.07 MB] | Writing50Years.ogg [OGG - 18.08 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Wikipedia Q&A

Your Wikipedia questions answered by a major contributor as well as someone who is the subject of a major article.

Elonka Dunin

Attendance: 24

Audio files: WikipediaQA.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 47.35 MB] | WikipediaQA.ogg [OGG - 22.01 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Wrap-Up and Comments

Give us your comments, questions, and ideas for future panels.

Scott M. Jones

Attendance: 10

[ Not Recorded ]

Last Updated on Monday, 01 January 2018 00:16
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