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2008 Schedule and Audio PDF Print E-mail
Written by Scott M. Jones   
Sunday, 27 July 2008 14:52

Photos of EF-Forums 2008 are available on my Flickr site.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Time Program
1:00 p.m.

National Security Letters Documentary: FBI Unbound

Screening of the documentary FBI Unbound from the Bill of Rights Defense Committee. Learn how national security letters are misused, overused, and abused by law enforcement.

Scott M. Jones
Hilton - Cherokee room

Attendance: 44

Click here to get your own copy or view online.

2:30 p.m.

Knights Templar: Fact & Fiction

The mysterious Order of the Knights Templar is often referred to in modern books, films, and games. How much is known about this organization? Elonka Dunin sifts through the legends to point out what is real and what remains uncertain to this day.

Elonka Dunin
Hilton - Cherokee room

Attendance: 135

Audio files: altKnightsTemplar.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 59.82 MB] | altKnightsTemplar.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 21.16 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Presidential Candidates' Policies on Intellectual Property Issues

IP issues have been finding their way into the campaign platforms of U.S. Presidential candidates. This discussion will cover their positions on IP topics and what effects their policies could have upon you and the future of this country.

Clifton Tunnell
Hilton - Cherokee room

Attendance: 44

Audio files: altPresCandidatesIP.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 56.38 MB] | altPresCandidatesIP.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 19.59 MB] 

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Self Publishing

A new generation of on-demand book publishers now makes it possible to have books printed on demand, even one at a time. This has opened new opportunities for up and coming authors and artists. Risks and rewards will be discussed.

Kimiko, Jennie Breeden, Scott Sigler
Hilton - Cherokee room

Attendance: 36

Audio files: altSelfPublishing.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 64.24 MB] | altSelfPublishing.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 22.92 MB] 

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Safe Harbor or Rocky Shoals?

This panel will focus on the safe harbor provisions of the DMCA for ISP's. What is the safe harbor? How does one get or lose the protections against secondary liability? Is a social networking site an ISP? What about virtual worlds and MMO's?

Thomas Mihill, Danhiel Baker
Hilton - Cherokee room

Attendance: 30

Audio files: altDMCA.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 72.79 MB] | altDMCA.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 25.45 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

Game Hacking

Come join us to discuss a smorgasbord of game hacking techniques and how programmers attempt to prevent them. We'll discuss everything from game cracks to character hacking and show you a couple live demonstrations of easy and hard hacking techniques.

Ken Lightner, HugMe
Hilton - Cherokee room

Attendance: 70

Audio files: altGameHacking.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 40.74 MB] | altGameHacking.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 14.24 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

10 Years of the Star Wars Combine MMO

For the 10th anniversary of the Star Wars Combine free online game we want to look back at how the development and history of the game reflects 10 years of internet history, from the emergence of MMORPGs to Web 2.0.

Annette Pohlke, Maxime Robbe
Hilton - Cherokee room

Attendance: 19

Audio files: altSWCombine.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 64.24 MB] | altSWCombine.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 22.51 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 p.m.

Cyberpunk Film Festival

Just for fun, we are screening a collection of cyberpunk, hacker, and technology-related short films by independent producers. Titles include Outsource, Invisible Master, Cost of Living, EPICAC, Robots are Blue, and Human.

Scott M. Jones
Hilton - Cherokee room

Attendance: 80


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time Program
10:00 a.m.

IT Employees vs. Contractors in the Post-Vizcaino Era

The legal decision in Vizcaino v. Microsoft changed the landscape of contracting forever. Today's employers treat contractors as second class citizens and enforce time off to avoid having contractors become permatemps. Learn how this came to be.

Peter H Friedman
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 23

Audio files: altITContracting.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 67.37 MB] | altITContracting.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 23.6 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

GPL v3: The New GNU General Public License and the FSF

Courtney Lytle Perry discusses the Free Software Foundation's relatively new GPL v3, what motivated the changes, and why it's controversial. She will also examine recent litigation by the Free Software Foundation and what they hope to accomplish.

Courtney Lytle Perry
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 18

Audio files: altGPLv3.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 63.55 MB] | altGPLv3.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 22.33 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Famous Unsolved Codes

Game designer and codebreaker Elonka Dunin describes some of the most famous and infamous codes yet to be broken, including the Kryptos sculpture at the CIA headquarters.

Elonka Dunin
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 78

Audio files: altFamousUnsolvedCodes.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 67.22 MB] | altFamousUnsolvedCodes.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 23.71 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Warrantless Wiretapping Update

Attorney Mark Lyon discusses warrantless wiretapping in the wake of 9-11 and the Patriot Act, laws recently passed to dismiss lawsuits against telecommunications providers for following government orders that violated the law, and the next legal battles.

Mark Lyon
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 55

Audio files: altWiretapping.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 53.56 MB] | altWiretapping.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 18.83 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Net Neutrality, Bittorrent Blocking, and Bandwidth Caps

Broadband ISP's have been selling speed, speed, speed, but have recently started limiting certain protocols or imposing bandwidth caps. What happens when ISP's sell far more service than they can actually provide?

Randal L. Schwartz, Danhiel Baker
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 77

Audio files: altNetNeutrality.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 49.14 MB] | altNetNeutrality.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 17.22 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Second Life: History and Future

Second Life and other virtual worlds are already labeled Web 3.0 by some. Are they the future of the Internet? This panel looks at the many things you can do in and with Second Life, who and what it is good for, and what it still lacks.

Annette Pohlke
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 49

Audio files: altSecondLife.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 65.46 MB] | altSecondLife.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 19.04 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Hacking 101

Hacking 101 returns for another glorious year! Just what is a hacker anyway? Culture, history, contacts, resources, and pointers for more info. Dispelling the myths from the media and the courts. Brought to you by

jonny X, Randal L. Schwartz
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 130

Audio files: altHacking101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 47.99 MB] | altHacking101.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 14.13 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

Busted: How to Protect Your Rights During Encounters With Law Enforcement

Screening of the documentary Busted, by Learn how to protect your rights during encounters with the police. A discussion will follow.

Jason Mitchell, Andrew Greenberg, Kara Mikos
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 52

Not recorded.  Click here to get your own copy or view online.

10:00 p.m.

Freedom of Speech and Privacy Issues for Sex-Positive Bloggers and Podcasters

Blogs and podcasts on love, sex, and relationships have evolved from mere titillation to heartfelt advice with lots of personal experience. What happens when you put your views and personal life “out there”? Who's trying to shut you up or shut you down?

Cunning Minx, Tacit
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 42

Audio files: altSexPositiveBlogger.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 54.09 MB] | altSexPositiveBlogger.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 19.17 MB]

Play now: 

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Time Program
10:00 a.m.

Telecommuting: The Ins and Outs

After telecommuting for over a decade as a system administrator, Danhiel Baker shares his experiences about the joys and pitfalls of skipping the daily drive and working from home: keeping work and home separate, coping with office politics, and more.

Danhiel Baker
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 18

Audio files: altTelecommutingInsOuts.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 61.19 MB] | altTelecommutingInsOuts.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 21.17 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Copyright 101 for Bloggers, Podcasters, and Self-Publishers

How does copyright work? Do you have to register to copyright your stuff? What if someone uses your work without permission? What can you do yourself, and when do you need an attorney?

Courtney Lytle Perry
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 32

Audio files: altCopyright101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 73.24 MB] | altCopyright101.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 25.94 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

US Customs Searches at Borders

What privacy rights do you have when you cross the border, especially with a computer that may have a hard drive loaded with your personal, private information? Must you give up your privacy rights to travel abroad?

Tom Cross
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 36

Audio files: altBorderCross.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 64.55 MB] | altBorderCross.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 22.68 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

The Impending Death of Analog Broadcast TV

On February 17, 2009, analog broadcast TV will disappear from the airwaves. Will there be pandemonium in the streets, or will it be just another day? What happens when the opium of the masses shuts off? History, technical, and legal issues.

HugMe, Mark Lyon
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 27

Audio files: altDeathOfAnalogTV.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 70.57 MB] | altDeathOfAnalogTV.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 20.54 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Viral Marketing and Web 2.0: Best and Worst Practices for Exposing Your Craft to the World

In this panel, you'll learn the how to utilize the seemingly endless stream of social networking websites, blog communities, and other such tools collectively known as Web 2.0 to expose the world to your craft, product, or even yourself.

Scott McGowan, GonZo, Gail Martin
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 85

Audio files: altViralMarketing.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 67.29 MB] | altViralMarketing.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 23.53 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Licensing/Royalty Audits

You got your first royalty statement and nothing makes sense. How do you correct this? A royalty audit is an option. Learn what your auditor can do for you and what should be in your contract with the publisher to facilitate a royalty audit.

Peter H Friedman
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 11

Audio files: altRoyaltyAudits.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 61.27 MB] | altRoyaltyAudits.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 21.57 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Intellectual Property in Virtual Worlds: Real Laws, Real Lawsuits

Who owns your virtual property? Your character? Your game design? More importantly, how do you protect it? Topics will include recent legal analysis of virtual worlds and a look at recent lawsuits relating to intellectual property in virtual worlds.

Thomas Mihill
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 30

Audio files: altIPVirtualWorlds.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 64.24 MB] | altIPVirtualWorlds.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 22.45 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.


A behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to produce a successful web-based comic strip series, given by established artists and authors.

Hunter Cressall, Jennie Breeden, Rob Balder, Erin Lindsey, Bill Holbrook, John P. Lotshaw, Kittyhawk
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 125

Audio files: altWebcomics.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 65.08 MB] | altWebcomics.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 23.13 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Hacking 201

Q&A from our panel of experts. Play "stump the hacker", maybe you'll win a prize! Brought to you by

jonny X, Randal L. Schwartz, Elonka Dunin
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 125

Audio files: altHacking201.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 334.75 MB] | altHacking201.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 53.4 MB]

Play now: 


Monday, September 1, 2008

Time Program
10:00 a.m.

Hacking 301

Many folks quietly drinking coffee. Very quietly.

jonny X
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 14

Audio files: altHacking301.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 63.86 MB] | altHacking301.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 22.51 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

E-Voting: Ending Zero Evidence Electronic Elections

With a presidential election just months away, many questions remain about the legitimacy of electronic voting systems. We will provide an update on voting systems and whether we think confidence in the outcome of the U.S. elections is in doubt.

Aaron Ruscetta, John Fortuin
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 18

Audio files: altEVoting.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 59.74 MB] | altEVoting.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 21.03 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

E-Voting Documentary: The Right to Count

Documentary covering the problems with electronic voting machines and the grass-roots activist movement that fights to fix the problems. Emphasis is given to problems in Georgia, the first state to adopt the machines on a statewide basis.

Richard Van Slyke
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 30

Audio files: altTheRightToCount.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 8.39 MB] | altTheRightToCount.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 2.86 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

The Wikipedia Phenomenon

A top-200 Wikipedian gives a talk on the "free encyclopedia that anyone can edit," which is growing at a rate of over 2,000 articles per day. Learn tips on how to add to the project, and find out how writing for Wikipedia is like playing an online game.

Elonka Dunin
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: 40

Audio files: altWikipediaPhenomenon.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 71.64 MB] | altWikipediaPhenomenon.ogg [OGG Vorbis - 25.33 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Wrap-Up and Comments

Another year of Electronic Frontiers Forums comes to a close. So what did you think? Give us your comments, questions, and ideas for future panels.

Scott M. Jones
Hilton - Cherokee

Attendance: Cancelled

Last Updated on Sunday, 25 September 2011 11:52
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