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Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2024!
2017 Schedule and Audio PDF Print E-mail
Written by Scott M. Jones   
Thursday, 09 November 2017 14:30

Friday, September 1, 2017



10:00 a.m.

Activism at the Statehouse

In recent years, state legislators have begun tackling digital civil liberties issues, including broadband privacy, consumers drones, surveillance technology, and virtual currency. In this panel, we will discuss recent trends at our state capitols and how we can organize to pass and kill bills.

David Maass, Scott M. Jones (Moderator)

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 38

Audio files: 01-StateActivism.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.06 MB] | 01-StateActivism.ogg [OGG - 32.48 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Crypto Challenge Kickoff

Crypto Challenge returns for 2017! Can you solve ALL of the puzzles? Rules for the Crypto Challenge will be explained, with perhaps an early hint or two being given. Learn where to get the puzzles and how to submit your answers.

Michael Strickland

Hilton Room 214, Attendance: 90

[ Not recorded. ]

11:30 a.m.

Funding Tech Startups

It takes money to make money! So how do you get started? VC, Kickstarter, incubators, self-funded/slow growth, family loans, bank loans? What are the promises and pitfalls of each?

David Hansen, Jim Nettles

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 45

Audio files: 02-FundingTechStartups.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 43.39 MB] | 02-FundingTechStartups.ogg [OGG - 36 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Women in Science and Tech Careers

A frank conversation on the issues women face in technology and science careers and what we can all do about it.

Elonka Dunin (Moderator), Kim Steadman, Mel. White, Gennie Gebhart, ‘Eternal Zan’ Bowden, Theda M. Daniels-Race

Hilton 208-209, Attendance: 88

Audio files: 03-WomenInScienceAndTechnology.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 48.69 MB] | 03-WomenInScienceAndTechnology.ogg [OGG - 37.6 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Internet Marketing (for Authors): Conquering Social Media

Tips, tricks, and advice for the novice or seasoned authors to navigate Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. We will take a brief look at the various platforms where authors promote, and break down the common themes for utilizing them for maximum engagement in conjunction with book sales.

Gail Z. Martin, Sascha Illyvich (Moderator), Jim Nettles, Mallory Whitfield

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 27

Audio files: 04-InternetMarketingSocialMedia.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.31 MB] | 04-InternetMarketingSocialMedia.ogg [OGG - 33.47 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Journalism and Freedom of the Press in the Current Era

The ‘opposition’ press is under fire like never before. What are today’s reporters and publishers having to deal with, and how will freedom of speech and freedom of the press survive in this new challenging era?

Blair B. Chintella (Moderator), William C. Nevin, TJ Mihill, Nathan White, K’Tetch

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 61

Audio files: 05-JournalismFreedomPressCurrentEra.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 43.1 MB] | 05-JournalismFreedomPressCurrentEra.ogg [OGG - 34.41 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

The Life and Death of Net Neutrality

Both Congress and the FCC are racing to dispose of the protections gained in 2015 under Title II regulations. Why is this happening, and what are the risks to the Internet we all know and love?

Randal L. Schwartz, Meredith Rose, Andrew Glazier (Moderator), Kara Chappell, Nathan White

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 120

Audio files: 06-LifeAndDeathOfNetNeutrality.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.68 MB] | 06-LifeAndDeathOfNetNeutrality.ogg [OGG - 33.26 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Cyber Forensics: A Guide to Getting Hacked

You or your client has just been hacked. What do you do? We will take an incident response look at the first critical steps when triaging a cyber incident, including technical and legal considerations, an incident response checklist, and the tools and methods to counter attacks.

Bryan Ukleja, Derek Ellington, Dauna Bartley

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 120

Audio files: 07-CyberForensicsGuideToGettingHacked.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.75 MB] | 07-CyberForensicsGuideToGettingHacked.ogg [OGG - 45.15 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m. 

Legal, Litigation, and Security Issues of Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars seem so promising and scary at the same time. How safe are they really? What about hacking the sensors? And will ransomware someday threaten to kill owners unless a ransom is paid?

Randal L. Schwartz (Moderator), Kara Chappell, TJ Mihill, Jim Nettles, Ishan K. Mehta

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 81

Audio files: 08-LegalLitigationSecurityIssuesSelfDrivingCars.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.46 MB] | 08-LegalLitigationSecurityIssuesSelfDrivingCars.ogg [OGG - 33.58 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Internet-Connected Sex Toys: Privacy, Security, Safety

Networked sex toys pose a threat to users not only because of the vast intimate information they may collect, but also because of their potential to be hacked in ways that could especially violate users. They are a prime example of the need for rules and standards on digital security.

Amie Stepanovich (Moderator), Meredith Rose, Jim Nettles, Adrianne McDonald

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 115

Audio files: 09-InternetConnectedSexToys.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 42.01 MB] | 09-InternetConnectedSexToys.ogg [OGG - 31.7 MB]

Play now: 


Saturday, September 2, 2017

11:30 p.m.



10:00 a.m.

California and You: The Reach of California Privacy Laws

California is leading the way in protecting its citizens’ online privacy, augmenting federal protections and enforcing new laws. But its actions may benefit all Internet users across the country and beyond. Learn how California is expanding your privacy rights.

Andrew Glazier, David Maass

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 13

Audio files: 10-CaliforniaAndYouPrivacy.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 35.16 MB] | 10-CaliforniaAndYouPrivacy.ogg [OGG - 26.61 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Google’s Dart: Why It Should Be the Next Language You Learn

People aware of Google’s Dart generally lump it in with Typescript or some other JavaScript enhancement. But Dart is much more than that: It’s a versatile strongly-typed modern language with excellent tooling. Dart is also at the core of the Fuschia framework that targets the Internet Of Things.

Randal L. Schwartz

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 70

Audio files: 11-GooglesDartNextLanguage.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 29.84 MB] | 11-GooglesDartNextLanguage.ogg [OGG - 22.71 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

FOIA Workshop

How to file a request under the Freedom of Information Act, with live demonstrations and results from prior years’ panels. Be your own activist!

David Maass (Moderator), Amie Stepanovich, Pamela Maass, Kara Chappell

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 30

Audio files: 12-FOIAWorkshop.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 43.76 MB] | 12-FOIAWorkshop.ogg [OGG - 35.05 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Why James Comey Was SO Wrong About Encryption

Embattled former FBI Director James Comey was adamant about having backdoors into mobile devices. Why was Apple so right to resist Comey’s demands, and what does the future hold with new leadership at the FBI?

Kurt Opsahl (Moderator), Amie Stepanovich, Matt Blaze, Ishan K. Mehta

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 100

Audio files: 13-WhyJamesComeyWasSoWrongAboutEncryption.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.07 MB] | 13-WhyJamesComeyWasSoWrongAboutEncryption.ogg [OGG  - 33.32 MB]

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Surveillance Self-Defense and Personal OpSec

What you can do to protect yourself and your own communications by using encryption tools and practicing good ‘digital hygiene’.

Gennie Gebhart, Matt Blaze, Nathan White

Marriott A601-A602, Attendance: 145

Audio files: 14-SurveillanceSelfDefensePersonalOpSec.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.52 MB] | 14-SurveillanceSelfDefensePersonalOpSec.ogg [OGG - 35.66 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Social Media Monitoring by Law Enforcement

Law enforcement agencies at all levels now routinely check social media as a part of investigations. Mass monitoring is also used, and social media identities are now being demanded for international travel in some cases. What are the implications, and how constitutional is all of this?

Randal L. Schwartz, Amie Stepanovich (Moderator), Gennie Gebhart, TJ Mihill

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 66

Audio files: 15-SocialMediaMonitoringByLawEnforcement.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 42.23 MB] | 15-SocialMediaMonitoringByLawEnforcement.ogg [OGG - 33.68 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.

Hunted, the TV Show: How Real Is It?

The CBS show “Hunted” shows how easy it is for private investigators to track everyday people using ordinary technology and digital data. How real is this, and how exposed are our everyday lives using technology we take for granted, without considering the full implications?

David Maass, Jon Padfield, Myke Cole

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 61

Audio files: 16-HuntedTheTVShow.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 38.74 MB] | 16-HuntedTheTVShow.ogg [OGG - 30.95 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

Hacking 101

Hacking 101 returns for another glorious year! Just what is a hacker anyway? Culture, history, contacts, resources, and pointers for more info.

Randal L. Schwartz, Kurt Opsahl, jonny X (Moderator), David Benas, Shelby Allen, saurik

Hilton Crystal Ballroom, Attendance: 204

Audio files: 17-Hacking101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 42.07 MB] | 17-Hacking101.ogg [OGG - 31.32 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality: How Crazy Can the Future Really Get?

We are just scratching the surface of virtual reality, augmented reality, and immersive tech. Zombie games, Saturn voyages, military exercises, 360-degree movies: That’s just the beginning of a universe of applications. What are the possibilities of mixed reality tech, and what do we have to lose?

David Maass, Andrew Greenberg, Vien Ha

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 115

Audio files: 18-VirtualRealityAugmentedReality.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 39.24 MB] | 18-VirtualRealityAugmentedReality.ogg [OGG - 31.63 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 p.m.

Future of Sex Tech

A discussion on the rapidly advancing technologies and the societal influences and impacts on sex and sexuality, artificial companionship, the digital age, and virtual relationships.

Adrianne McDonald, Jim Nettles

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 155

Audio files: 19-FutureOfSexTech.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.77 MB] | 19-FutureOfSexTech.ogg [OGG - 36.09 MB]

Play now: 


Sunday, September 3, 2017



10:00 a.m.

Lawsuit Against Techdirt

The Techdirt technology blog is facing a lawsuit from someone who claims to have invented email. What is a SLAPP suit, and does this suit qualify? What are reasonable defenses against such a suit, and what protections should be provided as a matter of policy?

Kurt Opsahl, TJ Mihill, K’Tetch

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 12

Audio files: 20-LawsuitAgainstTechdirt.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 42 MB] | 20-LawsuitAgainstTechdirt.ogg [OGG - 33.18 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Copyright 101

How does copyright work? Do you have to register? Can you do it yourself, or do you need a lawyer? What do you do if you discover infringement?

Courtney Lytle

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 33

Audio files: 21-Copyright101.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 40.6 MB] | 21-Copyright101.ogg [OGG - 47.42 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Famous Unsolved Codes

What do all of these have in common? A sculpture in the center of CIA Headquarters. A 500-year-old manuscript hidden in Yale University’s Beinecke library. A 19th century pamphlet describing a buried treasure in Virginia. An encrypted scrawl by composer Edward Elgar.

Elonka Dunin

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 160

Audio files: 22-FamousUnsolvedCodes.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 37.22 MB] | 22-FamousUnsolvedCodes.ogg [OGG - 29.87 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Crypto Wars Update: U.S., Europe, and Beyond

After key escrow and Clipper Chip were defeated in the 90’s, the crypto wars have flared up again, with governments around the world demanding broad access to crypto-protected data. What happens if governments get everything they are asking for, and how can our digital lives be defended?

Blair B. Chintella, Kurt Opsahl (Moderator), Amie Stepanovich, Matt Blaze

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 58

Audio files: 23-CryptoWarsUpdate.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.4 MB] | 23-CryptoWarsUpdate.ogg [OGG - 33.5 MB] 

Play now: 

4:00 p.m.

Hacking Mobile Applications

One of today’s hottest targets for hackers is mobile apps. Hackers are exploiting mistakes made by app developers. In this discussion, you will see attack vectors for mobile apps and see real examples of vulnerable applications and how they were exploited.

Ray Kelly

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 135

Audio files: 24-HackingMobileApps.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 43.35 MB] | 24-HackingMobileApps.ogg [OGG - 35.07 MB]

Play now: 

5:30 p.m.

Fake News and Social Media: The New Propaganda?

What is fake news and what kind of risk does it present to society? How can we defend ourselves from this threat and yet maintain a right to free expression? Does truth even matter any more on electronic media?

Blair B. Chintella (Moderator), Amie Stepanovich, Gennie Gebhart, William C. Nevin, K’Tetch

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 103

Audio files: 25-FakeNewsAndSocialMedia.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.27 MB] | 25-FakeNewsAndSocialMedia.ogg [OGG - 34.4 MB]

Play now: 

7:00 p.m.


A behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to produce a successful web-based comic strip series, given by both new and established webcomic artists.

Bill Holbrook (Moderator), Comfort Love, Adam Withers, Mel. White, Jennie Breeden, John Lotshaw

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 77

Audio files: 26-Webcomics.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 40.36 MB] | 26-Webcomics.ogg [OGG - 31.58 MB]

Play now: 

8:30 p.m.

10 Rules for Dealing with Police Encounters

Knowing and asserting your rights along with common sense can greatly improve the outcome of any police encounter. Documentary by A question and answer session will follow the film.

Andrew Greenberg (Moderator), Kara Chappell

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 80?

Audio files: 27-10RulesPoliceEncounters.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 16.3 MB] | 27-10RulesPoliceEncounters.ogg [OGG - 13.19 MB]

Play now: 

10:00 p.m.

Hacking 201

Q&A from our panel of experts; play “stump the hacker”! We’ll also be running a special edition of Network King of the Hill hacking contest. Bring your own laptop or use one of the extras we have available.

Randal L. Schwartz, Matt Blaze, jonny X (Moderator), David Benas, Ray Kelly, saurik

Marriott Room A601-602, Attendance: 130

Audio files: 28-Hacking201.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 89.58 MB] | 28-Hacking201.ogg [OGG - 61.93 MB]

Play now: 


Monday, September 4, 2017



10:00 a.m.

Cosplay Supreme Court Case (Star Athletica v. Varsity Brands)

A Supreme Court case regarding cheerleader uniforms could make all cosplay into copyright infringement in the U.S. What does this case say about cosplay and what are the implications?

Courtney Lytle, Meredith Rose (Moderator), TJ Mihill

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 15

Audio files: 29-CosplaySupremeCourtCase.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 40.58 MB] | 29-CosplaySupremeCourtCase.ogg [OGG - 31.42 MB]

Play now: 

11:30 a.m.

Niche Marketing in eBooks and Print (for Writers)

What is niche marketing for writers, and what are the special considerations that writers face when writing for niche markets? Are there truly financial opportunities to be had in writing for niche markets? What makes the most business sense?

Gail Z. Martin, Sascha Illyvich (Moderator), Tyra A. Burton, Jim Nettles, Mallory Whitfield

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 22

Audio files: 30-NicheMarketingInEbooksAndPrint.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 41.67 MB] | 30-NicheMarketingInEbooksAndPrint.ogg [OGG - 32.28 MB]

Play now: 

1:00 p.m.

Fact and Fiction of the Knights Templar

The mysterious Order of the Knights Templar is often referred to in modern books, films, and games. How much is known about this organization? Were they really associated with the Holy Grail? The Priory of Sion? Freemasonry?

Elonka Dunin

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 125

Audio files: 31-KnightsTemplar.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 38.83 MB] | 31-KnightsTemplar.ogg [OGG - 30.97 MB]

Play now: 

2:30 p.m.

Wikileaks CIA Dump: Vault 7

Vault 7 is a leak of hacking tools and techniques used by the CIA for covert surveillance. What are the implications of the techniques being used in our everyday lives? What is the harm if any done to U.S. interests by disclosure of these tools and techniques?

Blair B. Chintella (Moderator), Matt Blaze, Nathan White, Ishan K. Mehta

Hilton Room 208-209, Attendance: 82

Audio files: 32-WikileaksCIADumpVault7.mp3 [MP3 Audio - 44.9 MB] | 32-WikileaksCIADumpVault7.ogg [OGG - 36.16 MB]

Play now: 

Last Updated on Monday, 20 November 2017 10:40
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